Thursday, May 13, 2010

Trash Day is Long Overdue...But Enough Streakers, Thanks

I know, I know, I haven't updated in a month, I am SO sorry. I promise I'll post a bunch of updates soon to catch everyone up!

In the meantime...Amsterdam stinks. Yes, right now I am speaking literally. The garbage workers have been on strike for about a week now (I think, my concept of time is not awesome), and as such, the garbage is just piled everywhere. Dumpsters are surrounded by a few feet radius of trash bags. Trash cans have little piles of trash under/around them because they are so full that they are just overflowing. So...Amsterdam literally smells in parts. The main touristy areas are the worst, there's just litter EVERYWHERE. If I remember I'll take a picture tomorrow and update this post.

As for the streaker...well, I was over on the square on Spui by the Aetheneum, and there were a bunch of guys dressed in ridiculous outfits, with one running around naked waving a neon green flag in the air. I would have said it was a frat stunt, but they don't really have frats here as we think of them in the US, so I don't really know. Also, they really weren't very smart - with Ascension making today a national holiday, the square was pretty quiet with most of the businesses closed...making the streaker's presence only visible to a few tourists.

Not that I am saying that I -want- to see more streakers (because I certainly don't, thank you kindly), but I always see the awkward ones that never really took streaking 101. You know, the class that points out that the point of streaking is to be seen by people? Streaking on a religious holiday when there is no one around is almost as sad as the time a streaker at a college I was visiting ran past my tour group...with us being the only people on campus as it was spring break. Fail streakers, fail.

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