Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is This Grade Ok With You?

In the last two weeks I have had to do my two big presentations for my UvA classes. For both of them, I had to present some of the weeks readings, provide connections to current events, and lead discussion and/or class activities.

For my sexuality class I got to work with a partner, which was actually really fun for a change - usually I'm not thrilled about group presentations because I want to control everything, but my partner was this awesome grad student from Spain who was super smart, so it was really. Though, he and I both talk too much.

My presentation for Religious and Cultural Diversity I was on my own though, and I have to say, that presentation was one of the most stressful presentations I have ever given, since I had to talk about somewhat dense political theory, and be sure it made sense to the rest of my class that thinks linearly, not in my weird looping logic.

(For those of you who were in the American Presidency seminar, I now sort of get what Heldman was trying to accomplish with our presentations. We were just so far from that its funny, but then again, we also only had 10min).

I got the grades for both of my presentations this week, and it was very odd. After Sexuality on Tuesday, Silke (my prof) walked up to me and said that she had been thinking about my grade for the presentation, and was wondering if I thought an 8.5 was ok? (it translates to an A/A-). She was basically asking what I thought my grade should be. I was a bit confused by this, and just said yes of course. A similar conversation took place for my other presentation, with the prof asking me if I thought my grade was about right for the class standard (he was subbing, my normal professor had a stroke and is out for a month).

When I texted my dutch orientation leader later I found out that this a pretty standard Dutch practice. Apparently, here professors are less interested in a hierarchical interaction with their students, and treat them more as equals. They also sincerely want your feedback on the class, and your feedback on how well you think you are doing. This is pretty strange to me, since I feel like talking about what grade you deserve feels a bit like grade grubbing, but apparently that is not the case here. It's somewhat refreshing in a way, but at the same time quite unnerving, as it is definitely not what I am used to.

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